Low Carb Cherry-Almond Ice Cream

Hi all! I love ice cream! Can you tell!?!?
This recipe can be made egg-free, if you can't eat eggs.  Also, if you are not eating cherries, you can use anything else or just make it almond ice cream without the cherries.
I just used regular almond flour for the ground almonds... obviously in this case any brand will do! That is not true with baking, if you have been keeping up with my posts. :)
Lots of ice cream recipes lately - sorry GFCF peops, but you can always try this recipe with full fat coconut milk (3 cups)! I'm sure it would be very good. If you do, please post!!!
Make sure you use the healthiest eggs you can get for this, as we will be eating them raw!!
If you substitute, don't use erythritol in ice cream!
**WARNING: This overflowed at the end in my Quart sized ice cream maker.  So maybe you want to do it in batches.

Low Carb Cherry-Almond Ice Cream
2 organic pastured eggs (optional)
2 cups non-homogenized organic cream
1 cup non-homogenized organic milk
1/2 cup almond meal or ground almonds
3 Tablespoons almond extract
1/2 teaspoon of stevia (I used NuNaturals.)
               Or 1/4 teaspoon stevia + 1/2 cup xylitol)
1 teaspoon agave nectar if using straight stevia (optional)
1/2 cup chopped cherries

In a large mixing bowl, beat eggs, stevia, and agave (or just add sweeteners to the milk if you are not using eggs).  Add milk and cream and stir. 
Add almond meal, and extract and stir well.  Add cherries.
Cover and cool in fridge for 1-2 hours (important).  A metal bowl (preferred) or glass bowl helps cool faster. 
Make according to your ice cream maker's directions.  Yummy!


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I love to hear from you! Please let me know how you changed a recipe, and how it came out. I don't do nutritional information anymore, sorry! I just provide the *free* recipes. I try to reply to comments but don't have much time these days. I hope to revamp this site eventually.... but for now I am still a working Mom and this is my hobby.
*If you would like to post the carb counts by using an online carb calculator, please go ahead* I don't provide them anymore, it's a miracle if I even get a post up these days! Thanks!

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